For my electronic interaction project I did not choose a teacher from another city and state I chose a college student, my cousin Christina Payne, who is also an Education Major (Special Education) at St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The most common way I talk to her is through Facebook, so we decided on the simple solution of having our conversation through Facebook messages. I started by asking her the basic questions:
J: Where do you attend school and what is your major?
C: I go to St. Cloud State University and I'm actually a Special Education Major with a license in learning disabilities, then I'm planning on getting my autism certificate
J: Ok, and at St. Cloud are there many aspects of technology used in the classroom? I know we use things like clickers and online classes at South Alabama but I want to know some of the things being used in classroom everywhere. I wonder if they are similar?
C: In psychology classes and a lot of chemistry classes at St. Cloud, we use these things called clickers, you have to buy them, then you have to buy a separate pin number for each class and sign up online. We used clickers for attendance and quizzes that we had every week. Then later you can go online and check your grades. It was kind of nice because they let us know if we got the question right or wrong after we submitted our answers. Lets see, what else do we have? We have online classes as well. I don't take them thought, so I can't tell you what they're like. I guess they are supposed to be easier than in class classes. If you need more information I have other things to talk about.
J: Yes, any other information would be helpful because I am trying to learn as much possible about the technology used there so that I can compare it to what we use at South. We used the clickers in Psychology and Biology, mainly because they're both pretty big classes.
C: Ok, well we have this thing online called D2L (desire to learn) and this is where our teachers can post assignments, quizzes, grades, homework, their objectives, and anything else online for us to see and then we can keep track of our grades and when everything is due. There's also this thing that teachers do for their resume called E-PORTFOLIO and it's basically a resume but online and split into different categories of what you have accomplished so far with any experiences, essays you wrote for college along with other work accomplished in college. So for almost all of my teaching classes I have to do an assignment for my E-portfolio. It's very hard and I have to do mine through this program called Dream Weaver.
J: Because I'm an Education major we have e-portfolios too. We use a system called foliotek though and it's not too confusing but I wonder if they are the same thing. All this information is very helpful but I have a few more questions.
1.This D2L? Does every teacher have their own page or does it only show you the teachers you are taking right now?
2. You're e-portfolio, are they in categories like content knowledge, teach and learning, diversity, literacy, and professionalism?
3. and then those categories are broken down into like technology, ethics, and things like that?
4. Give me a couple of examples of stuff that you've had to put in your E-portfolio.
C: Being a special education major is nice because I work at a group home for people with disabilities so I'm getting experience to put in the e-portfolio. I would have no problem answering these questions...
1. Every teacher has there own page set up for every one of their classes on D2L and they can either choose if they want to use it or not. If they want to use it, we have a D2L page ad the class shows up and w just click on that and it has all of our information for that class.
2. Our E-portfolios are more like experience, where we live, our classes, IEP examples, and what we would like to deal with as a Special Education teacher... Learning Disabilities, Emotional Behavior Disorders, or CBD. I think special education e-portfolios are a little different because we have IEP's to deal with.
4. Some examples that I have had to put in my E-portfolio are IEP examples, so that they know that I know how to write them out for a student, Experiences with special education, my personality, and stuff like that. It's just like a resume but it's easier for job places to look at. It's tough though cause you can't just copy and paste stuff, everything is in a file.
I'm glad I can help. I know how tough education projects can be because you always have to contact people for information and stuff. I only have a year and a half left so if you have any questions what so ever about education let me know cause I can help you out. I got lucky, I just decided my major last semester and I'm still going to graduate in four years!
J: Where do you attend school and what is your major?
C: I go to St. Cloud State University and I'm actually a Special Education Major with a license in learning disabilities, then I'm planning on getting my autism certificate
J: Ok, and at St. Cloud are there many aspects of technology used in the classroom? I know we use things like clickers and online classes at South Alabama but I want to know some of the things being used in classroom everywhere. I wonder if they are similar?
C: In psychology classes and a lot of chemistry classes at St. Cloud, we use these things called clickers, you have to buy them, then you have to buy a separate pin number for each class and sign up online. We used clickers for attendance and quizzes that we had every week. Then later you can go online and check your grades. It was kind of nice because they let us know if we got the question right or wrong after we submitted our answers. Lets see, what else do we have? We have online classes as well. I don't take them thought, so I can't tell you what they're like. I guess they are supposed to be easier than in class classes. If you need more information I have other things to talk about.
J: Yes, any other information would be helpful because I am trying to learn as much possible about the technology used there so that I can compare it to what we use at South. We used the clickers in Psychology and Biology, mainly because they're both pretty big classes.
C: Ok, well we have this thing online called D2L (desire to learn) and this is where our teachers can post assignments, quizzes, grades, homework, their objectives, and anything else online for us to see and then we can keep track of our grades and when everything is due. There's also this thing that teachers do for their resume called E-PORTFOLIO and it's basically a resume but online and split into different categories of what you have accomplished so far with any experiences, essays you wrote for college along with other work accomplished in college. So for almost all of my teaching classes I have to do an assignment for my E-portfolio. It's very hard and I have to do mine through this program called Dream Weaver.
J: Because I'm an Education major we have e-portfolios too. We use a system called foliotek though and it's not too confusing but I wonder if they are the same thing. All this information is very helpful but I have a few more questions.
1.This D2L? Does every teacher have their own page or does it only show you the teachers you are taking right now?
2. You're e-portfolio, are they in categories like content knowledge, teach and learning, diversity, literacy, and professionalism?
3. and then those categories are broken down into like technology, ethics, and things like that?
4. Give me a couple of examples of stuff that you've had to put in your E-portfolio.
C: Being a special education major is nice because I work at a group home for people with disabilities so I'm getting experience to put in the e-portfolio. I would have no problem answering these questions...
1. Every teacher has there own page set up for every one of their classes on D2L and they can either choose if they want to use it or not. If they want to use it, we have a D2L page ad the class shows up and w just click on that and it has all of our information for that class.
2. Our E-portfolios are more like experience, where we live, our classes, IEP examples, and what we would like to deal with as a Special Education teacher... Learning Disabilities, Emotional Behavior Disorders, or CBD. I think special education e-portfolios are a little different because we have IEP's to deal with.
4. Some examples that I have had to put in my E-portfolio are IEP examples, so that they know that I know how to write them out for a student, Experiences with special education, my personality, and stuff like that. It's just like a resume but it's easier for job places to look at. It's tough though cause you can't just copy and paste stuff, everything is in a file.
I'm glad I can help. I know how tough education projects can be because you always have to contact people for information and stuff. I only have a year and a half left so if you have any questions what so ever about education let me know cause I can help you out. I got lucky, I just decided my major last semester and I'm still going to graduate in four years!