Thursday, September 11, 2008


ACCESS, also know as Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide, is a program that gives access to instructions and courseworks for highschools in Alabama. ACCESS will consist of Internetbased courses with Alabama certified teachers helping with the online process that would not usually concist of Alabama ceritfied teachers. The program will also have internet bases courses using instruction models tought by "E-teachers. "

Some ways ACCESS will help students and teachers connect on the internet is by by providing access to many things that are going to help. Some of this will be access to advanced diploma coarses, which will help some students finish college faster. Another plus to this program, it will expand the number of class at these highschools and also expand the resources these highschools will have. I think the most important thing this ACCESS with be bring to highschool teachers in Alabama is more technilogical tools brought into the classroom to teach. Again, I still do not fully understand how the program works but i am excepting to learn more when I visit a highschool who has all the advancments in teaching this program has to offer.

Sorry it's late I couldn't bring up the file to learn about the program with computer that I use.

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Good job. I do suggest that you turn on the spell checker for the blogs. If you highlight your text and right click your mouse, you will see "spell checker", click on it to turn it on. This will spell check your text as your type. Remember, this blog will be used as part of your Foliotek requirements. Your content was good, but I suggest you edit some of your sentences.