Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Educational Blogs in the U.S.

The first blogs I found used in school is not used by one grade specifically. It has posts from teachers about ducks that they keep as pets in there classroom. It all started when a duck laid eggs on one of the playgrounds at the school. a buck in a nestThey placed an egg in each kindergarten class and the blog is used to keep the students and parents and other children at the school updated on the ducks. The blog is called The Duck Diaries which I think is a very clever name. It was very interesting reading about what was going on. The blog also posts pictures that some of the 1st and 2nd graders drew of ducks and other things. The link to this blog is I hope some of you find this interesting even though it is from a couple of years ago.

comic of a boy stressing about schoolworkThe second blog I chose to look at was for a sixth grade class. The site was put together by a teacher named Mr. Hetherington. I never found the name of the school but some of the blogs posted were very interesting. A lot of the blogs were posted by the teacher telling his class about it and about somethings going on in his class. Then there were many, many blogs posted by students. Some of them were just funny little things they decided to post on there and then I saw some haikus and poems that the students had posted. I assumed this was an assignment that the teacher told them to post on the blog site. This site is also very old but I thought it was one that showed a lot of the things you can use blogs for in school such as assignments and communicating with your teachers. The link to this site is


Jennifer Averitt said...

Good job. I love watching ducks.

Rosilyn said...

I think it's very interesting. This was a great opportunity to teach each class that participated science.